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Mục đích sử dụng: là nơi đặt tượng Phật, kinh sách và nơi quý Thầy
“ Cutivator is transform the mind. Bring back the contaminated mind of the ordinary world to the pure Buddha mind ”
FOUNDER AND ABBOT of Amitayus Buddhist Retreat Center, Schönfeld , Germany
Ven. Thích Hạnh Tấn was born in 1964 in Viet Nam and came to Germany in 1979 as a refugee. He left home and entered the Vien Giac Monastery – Hannover in 1986 after graduating from high school. In 1987, he was offically ordained to be Novice monk. He receieved the full ordaination as a Bhikkhu in 1993. In the same year, he finnished his Master Degree on Religion Study and left Germany to come to India requesting Dharma. In 2000, he came back to Germany and three year later, he has been promoted to be the abbot of Vien Giac Monastery. Five year later, he transferred the abbot position to Master Hanh Gioi and returned to Asia finding a place with his disciples to retreat to and meditate over a long period of time. But he didn’t expect the resistance of the authorities in Laos, who did not see themselves in the position to issue the Venerable a several-year visa. After he remembered a prophecy of a monk back in his home country Vietnam, who had told him that his future would not be in Asia, he decided to realize his wish for a place of intense meditation practice in his second homeland, Germany. At the end of 2010 he came back to Germany and founded the Amitayus Buddhist Retreat Center in Schönfeld.
Ven. Thích Hạnh Tấn is one of the new generation monk who not only being trained firmly with his own Buddhist tradition but also following the education of the Western, graduated from School, University, etc. Beside his main dharma door: Tibetan Tantric Budhdism and his own tradition Vietnam/China Mahayana, he also study and cultivate with other dharma doors from other Buddhist tradition like Vipassana Meditation of Thailand and Myanmar.
“ Cutivator is transform the mind. Bring back the contaminated mind of the ordinary world to the pure Buddha mind ”